When you submit the application, it is given a time stamp. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received by The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. This is regulated in the regulation governing the aid.
If applications are received with exactly the same time stamp, in thousandths of a second, their order is determined by drawing lots.
If you want to know your queue position, you can email avi@tillvaxtverket.se after you have submitted your application.
The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth first assesses whether the application meets the requirements for receiving support. The application must contain the information the agency needs to assess the application, otherwise it may be rejected.
The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth does not make a qualitative assessment of the content of a production.
The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth will decide to either grant or refuse the application. The normal processing time is four to six weeks.
Granting an application
An application may be granted when it fulfils the requirements for support and there is sufficient budget space.
An application may be partly granted if, for example, certain costs are not eligible for support and have therefore been stricken from the application.
An approval decision will specify the maximum amount of support. Support will be granted subject to budget constraints.
When the production is granted support, you must, within 14 days of receiving the decision on support, sign the form "Confirmation of commitments" and send it to The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. Read more under Confirmation of commitments.
Refusing an application
An application may be refused if it fails to meet the requirements for receiving support or when the budget for support is exhausted.
Rejecting an application
An application may be rejected if it fails to fulfil the formal requirements, such as if:
- the application was not submitted via the tool Min ansökan
- the application was not received by the deadline;
- the applicant is not qualified; or
- the application is so flawed that it is not fit as the basis for a decision.
Rejection and refusal decisions may be appealed to the administrative court of appeal, according to the Section 40 of the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act (SFS 2017:900).
Last update August 8, 2024