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- Tillväxtverket
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- Financing
- Regional investment aid
Regional investment aid
If you want to start a business or develop your existing business, you can apply for financial support if you are having difficulty raising finance on the private market. The opportunities for financial support in the form of regional investment aid vary depending on where in the country the enterprise is located and the type of business it conducts.
Regional investment aid can be granted for major investments in machinery and buildings in assisted areas 1, 2 or 3, for example. For this, the enterprise’s market must extend beyond its own region.
Regional investment aid is granted in accordance with SFS 2022:1467 Regulation on State aid for regional investments.
Each application is examined individually
Please note that regional investment aid is an opportunity but not a right, and that the aid must not exceed what is necessary, taking into account other financing options and other circumstances, for the implementation of the measure for which the aid is intended. The application is assessed in respect of sustainability and:
- whether the investment has growth potential
- how many jobs will be created
- the importance of the enterprise and the investment for the location
- the regenerative power of the investment
- the risk with the investment
- the need for aid so that the investment takes place.
More stringent demands are made of large enterprises
Aid may be granted to large enterprises for initial investment in new economic activities. This means that aid to large enterprises may only be granted if the investment is aimed either at setting up a new activity or at investing in a new activity at an existing place of work which is not the same as or similar to the activity conducted previously at that place of work.
Contact us in plenty of time
Your application must be submitted before the investment can begin. An investment must normally be implemented within two years of the decision.
Contact your region and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth before applying for aid. It is always useful to have a discussion before starting an application. Many local trade and industry offices also have extensive knowledge and can assist.
Richard From
E-post: fornamn.efternamn@tillvaxtverket.se
Telefon: 08-681 95 29
Nicklas Lantto
E-post: fornamn.efternamn@tillvaxtverket.se
Telefon: 08-681 96 88
Frida Holmgren
E-post: fornamn.efternamn@tillvaxtverket.se
Telefon: 08-681 92 21