
Tillväxtverket, The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth works to ensure that companies have access to investments that creates the conditions needed to be able to face tomorrow's challenges.

To achieve this, we provide external risk capital and various types of support to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Financing is essential for a company to grow and develop its products and services. In combination with other factors such as knowledge and networks, access to financing is crucial for the viability of a company or new business idea. A company that is able to innovate and do business creates jobs and contributes to the sustainable development of Sweden.

At Tillväxtverket, we always evaluate how public capital can best supplement a company's financing needs. We see this as one way to invest in sustainable development.

You can apply for financing through our calls for proposals.

Different funding options

We provide EU funds, national support, and business aid. Explore calls that may be suitable for companies outside of Sweden.